我們相信所謂的 愛 不是因少數⽽珍貴,⽽是有共同創造的⼼⽽偉⼤。邀請您,享受⼀次⼜⼀次由⼤藝術思想帶來的層層感受,
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2015年,傅⽒國際⽂化事業有限公司(Fu’s Group)誕⽣了,傅代表著東⽅百家姓排名第36位的姓⽒傳承,紅⾊代表愛與希望。
/ 窗花,是希望的原動⼒ /
/ 太極,是新時代的融合 /
Fu’s International Cultural Enterprise Co., Ltd. was founded in 1983. Fu’s International is known as the cradle of musician cultivation by the industry. Taiwan’s most active Taiwanese music company who is proficient in discovering and developing musical talents and is familiar with the local market in Taiwan. Fu’s International actively expands and bases on the full-scale music and entertainment industry chain layout, self-teaching, talent inspiration, artist training, music production, performing arts agency, hosting large-scale performances and concerts, or preparing theme songs for TV series, games, etc., Provides a wide range of entertainment industry services in a number of areas including production.